ITE 170 Project

Revised: May 2, 2023. Subsequent modifications will be highlighted.

As specified in the syllabus, the project is 25% of your course grade.

+1 point for each day submitted before due date (up to 7 days beforehand)
-1 point for each day submitted after due date (up to 7 days after)

Please hit REFRESH every time you view this. As students ask me questions, I will post clarifications and change the revision date above and highlight the change..

The content and images you create must be 100% your own work. You may use images or videos taken by a family member or friend if you were there when the image or video was taken.
If you use content or images you have not created, there will be a major penalty.
Taking an image or video from the internet and doing a modification of the image or video in Photoshop, Premiere Pro, or some other program violates the requirement that the images and video must be 100% your own work.

The one exception that I will make to this general "self-produced" requirement is the addition of sound to a video as long as it is properly documented in your text or Word file. However, there is no requirement that your video(s) have sound.

You may use content, animation, or images you submitted earlier in the semester as homework as long as you created that.

Do not wait until the last moment to do it. You will have to upload your URL of your project to myDrive or, so if you had difficulty with this in the "About Me" or later assignment, make sure you get the upload working as one of the initial steps in working on the project.

Website Project

Do a website according to the specifications below. Since it is a small website, usually every page will link to every other page, unless you want the visitors to go through the site in a particular order.


General requirements for project


To summarize, the zipped directory submitted on Canvas should contain the following

In Canvas you should submit the URL of your project directory on myDrive or and submit two attachments: (1) the text or Word file and (2) the zipped directory. It is better to have the text or Word file outside the zipped directory; that way I can immediately tell whether you have included the text or Word file without unzipping the directory and can notify you of that deficiency right away.